Medical Clinic

medical clinic
Massey Medical Clinic
260 Cameron Street
Massey, Ontario P0P 1P0

Phone: 705-865-2300

Clinic Updates:

Our Staff:

  • Dr. Rachael Cherian
  • Dr. Allan Garland
  • Melanie Veilleux, Registered Practical Nurse
  • Marla Toulouse, Office Manager

Appointments required, please call ahead.

Regarding COVID-19/Corona Virus

 To avoid spread in our community and surrounding areas please pay attention to the following symptom list:

Fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, AND any of the following:

  • Travel outside or within the country in the 14 days before the onset of illness
  • OR Close contact with a confirmed or probable case of Corona virus/COVID 19
  • OR Close contact with a person with acute respiratory illness who has traveled outside or within the country.

DO NOT go to your local hospital or doctors office, stay home and call for an over the phone screening with a health care professional, who will direct you from there.

If you are returning from international travel, you should self  isolate even without having any symptoms, as they may not show right away.

Practice safe distancing and try to stay away from big crowds, this will help protect yourself, your family and the more vulnerable.

If you suspect you have any of these symptoms, please call Public Health @705-522-9200 or Tele health @ 1-866-797-0000 for proper screening.

Thank you,
Massey Medical Clinic

Clinic Frequently Asked Questions:

What are your regular office hours?

Our regular clinic hours are 9:00 am –12:30 pm and 1:30 pm – 4:30pm. Our phones are answered daily between 9:00 am – 12:30, 1:30 – 4:00 pm.
We also offer Laboratory services on Tuesdays and Thursdays, by scheduled appointments, between 8:00 am – 12:30pm.

Who are the Medical Professionals within the Massey Medical Clinic?

Dr. Rachael Cherian
Dr. Allan Garland
Melanie Veilleux, Registered Practical Nurse

What is your appointment policy?

Our physicians work by scheduled appointments. Unfortunately, occasionally patient appointments do require longer time frames than scheduled. When this happens, your patience is appreciated. A sincere attempt is made to adhere to the clinic schedule as much as possible. We ask that whenever possible, a return appointment for regular checkups be made before leaving the clinic.

Please call to call or reschedule your appointment if you are unable to attend.

How do I know if I can become a patient at the Massey Medical Clinic?

Our Clinic services patients within the Township of Sables-Spanish Rivers (Webbwood, Massey, Walford) as well as  Sagamok Anishnawbek.  We have a wait list to be able to continually see new patients in our facility.

How do I get on the wait-list to see a doctor?

If you are a resident with the Township of Sables-Spanish Rivers, and are seeking a Physician, you may contact our office and ask  to be added to the standby list.  All we require is your name, current address and phone number.  If your contact number changes at any time, please contact our office to update your information.

How long can I expect to be on the wait-list to see a doctor?

The waiting period will vary pending the number of people on the list before a new individual being added.  Our Physicians typically see 2-3 new patients per week, over top of their already rostered patients.  We will often arrange new patient appointments within 3 – 8 weeks in advance, so a new patient will have time to make arrangements in advance to their appointment.  If we cannot connect with you after a few tries, we will continue forward down the list to other patients.  If you have miss your already scheduled new patient appointment, and you still wish to see a Physician, your name will be re-added to the end of the list.

What does “rostered” patient mean?

Enrollment in this program gives you access to treatment or telephone advice 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (through the Telephone Health Advisory Service at 1-866-553-7205).  As a rostered patient, if required, we will remind you of due immunizations or other testing.  We also remind our senior patients of their preventative treatments recommended such as influenza vaccinations.   It is ideal that as a rostered patient, you do not use other Clinics for your ongoing medical care, other than those facilities we refer you to directly, or for emergency care.  Maintaining up to date medical records, when going to different locations, can be difficult and confusing.  If you attend an Emergency Department, be sure to indicate who your Physician is, so they may receive documentation of your visits, and tests.

What can I expect at the first appointment?

Our reception staff will check you in once you arrive, and gather/review your correct contact information, and other basic information for our records. You will then be asked to fill out Ministry of Health New Patient Registration and Declaration forms. Your address, e-mail and phone number are very important in case we need to get in touch with you. Information concerning your date of birth, and next of kin, etc., is likewise important. All information given to us is confidential.

When it is time to be seen by the physician, the Physician herself/himself will call you into the exam room. Give some thought to your medical history beforehand, for example; your height, weight, and allergies. It is helpful if you can remember to bring in all current medications that you are taking, including over-the-counter and herbal supplements. The physician will complete an interview and physical exam to complete a correct problem list, medication list and plan of care. After the visit is complete, the receptionist will make a return appointment, if necessary.  If the receptionist area is vacant, please contact the office the next business day to schedule your follow-up appointment.

What should I bring with me to my appointments?

We want to ensure that your time with the physician and Nurse Practitioner is used effectively. It will be helpful if you bring to all your visits your Health card, any medications you are taking, also, any additional form(s) that may be required to review, or complete, during your visit.

What can I do if I require medical assistance prior to seeing a doctor for an initial visit?

If you are on our waiting list, or an unattached patient (do not have a doctor at any facility), you are welcome to arrange an appointment with our Nurse Practitioner.

What is a Nurse Practitioner?

A nurse practitioner (NP) is a registered nurse with advanced university education who works both independently and in collaboration with other health professionals to provide you with quality health care services.  Ontario Nurse Practitioners provide a full range of health care services to individuals, families and communities in a variety of settings including hospitals and community based Clinics in cities and smaller towns in Ontario.

 What types of services are provided by a Nurse Practitioner?

A visit to an NP in primary care can include assessment and treatment for an acute illness, a routine prenatal check up, a well baby exam, the monitoring and treatment of chronic illnesses, as well as prevention of illnesses through health screening, and promotion of wellness through education and linking with community resources.

How do I renew my medication?

If you need a prescription renewal you may not need to see your doctor.  Simply call your pharmacy and have them send a fax request to us to renew your medication. Your doctor will check to ensure that this medication is appropriate for you.  You may be required to book an appointment if you have not seen your doctor in a while or if this is a medication that you do not normally receive.

Please be aware that prescription renewals may take up to 2- 3 business days to process. Prescriptions are usually ready to be picked at your pharmacy after that time. You may call your pharmacy to verify whether a prescription has yet to be received for you.  Plan in advance.  Order your medication at least one week before you need it.  Never run out of medicine.

Do you have reminder calls for appointments?

Patients scheduled with a Physician will receive a phone call one-business day before their scheduled appointment. We do not call patients booked in for laboratory appointments, or those scheduled with the RN or Nurse Practitioner.

Can I be seen, even if my physician is not available?

If your family physician is away, or if you have an urgent concern that cannot wait until he or she is available, we can book an appointment for you the Nurse Practitioner.  If your concern is not of an urgent nature, your appointment will be booked with your own physician. We will try our best to find an appointment time that is convenient for you.

How do I transfer my medical records from another facility?

Any request for medical documents requires the signature of the patient; therefore, the Massey Medical Clinic has composed a Release Form for your completion.  This form is typically taken care of upon your first appointment with the Physician, or quite often, during a visit with the Nurse Practitioner, especially if particular records are required.  The receptionist will complete the form with you at the end of your appointment, and fax it to the corresponding location.  This request is then entered into your Electronic Medical Records (EMR) chart.  Once documents are received, notification is made that they have been received in your EMR chart, and the documents placed into your chart.

How can I ensure my medical records will be forwarded to the Massey Medical Clinic?

To ensure your records have been received from the alternate location, patients should follow up with our facility prior to their next scheduled appointment, or within 1 – 2 months after the initial faxed request, to ensure they have been received.  The request for records may need to be refaxed to the facility again, if files have not yet been received.

Please note:  many facilities charge for a file transfer, these costs remain the responsibility of the patient, and not that of the Massey Medical Clinic.

What should I do if I can’t bring my minor child to his or her appointment?

We ask that you send a detailed note with the individual bringing the child to the appointment giving permission for medical care to treat your child. Please be certain to include any particular areas of concern, in the best detail as possible, along with a contact number so the Health Care Provider may contact you if necessary.

What should I do if the office is closed?

If you feel your condition is truly a critical emergency, please call 911.

If you are a rostered patient of the Massey Medical Clinic, or another Family Health Team the Telephone Health Advisory Service (THAS) is an available service to you.  Call toll free:  1-866-553-7205.  When you call THAS, you will be connected to a registered nurse who will guide you through an assessment of your healthcare needs and provide you with detailed care options.  If you are an enrolled or registered patient at a doctor’s office, the nurse can also access your doctor or a colleague, to assist if necessary.

You may also contact Telehealth Ontario. It is a free, confidential service provided to you to receive health advice and information.    A Registered Nurse will take your call 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Toll-free: 1-866-797-0000       Toll-free TTY: 1-866-797-0007