The Planning Act sets out the ground rules for land use planning in Ontario. The Act provides the basis for the Provincial Policy Statement which sets out land use matters that are of provincial interest. The Provincial Policy Statement, which is intended to be read in its entirety, promotes a policy-led system intended to:
- Manage change and promote efficient, cost effective development and land use patterns which stimulate economic growth and protect the environment and public health.
- Protect resources for their economic use and/or environmental benefits; and
- Reduce the potential for public cost or risk to Ontario’s residents by directing development away from areas where there is a risk to public health or safety, or of property damage.
This policy statement is the basis for provincial interests reflected in the policies of this Plan as well as the procedures for the review of planning applications set out in the Planning Act and various Ontario Regulations enacted under the authority of the Act.
In addition, this Plan recognizes the responsibilities and opportunities the Province has or may provide for the Township of Sables-Spanish Rivers in decision-making on land use planning matters. These include but are not limited to land severance, exempting official plan amendment approvals, regulating and controlling land uses through zoning, site plan control and other planning tools and municipal plan review.
A copy of the Official Plan and the municipality’s Zoning Bylaw 2020-41 are available for download. Amendments to Zoning Bylaw 2020-41 are included below:
Bylaw 2023-13 Recreational Vehicles
Bylaw 2023-40 Short Term Accommodations
Bylaw 2023-43 Storage Containers
You can also view the Zoning and Official Plan Maps by selecting the links below:
Official Plan Maps
A1 (Township)
A2 (Massey)
A3 (Webbwood)
Zoning Maps
A1 (Township)
A2 (Massey)
A3 (Webbwood)